The IBS authorities
The Senate
The Senate is the highest professional body of the College. It is composed of members of the academic staff of the school who are teachers or co-supervisors of at least one of the courses taught and students. The Dean of the school shall be an ex officio member of the Senate. The Senate shall have 9 members. It shall be composed of 6 members of the academic staff, so that all the fields of education of the school of Professional Education are represented, the Dean and the students, who shall constitute at least one fifth of the members of the Senate.
The work of the Senate shall be presided over by the Dean of the school or, in his absence, by an authorised member of the Senate.
The Academic Assembly
The Academic Assembly is composed of all higher education teachers, researchers and higher education associates who, during the current semester of the academic year, are engaged in teaching or scientific research activities on the basis of a valid contractual relationship with the higher education institution. Student representatives shall also participate in the work of the Academic Assembly in such a way that their number is at least one fifth of the members of the Academic Assembly.
The Management Board
The Management Board shall decide on all material, financial, business, organisational and personnel matters relating to the operation of the school.
The Dean
The dean is the professional head of the college and is responsible for the professionalism of the college's work. The Dean is appointed by the Governing Board. The term of office of the Dean shall be five years and he/she may be reappointed after the expiry of the term of office.
The Director
The Director is the management authority of the school, appointed by the governing board of the school for a term of five years. On expiry of the term of office, the Director may be reappointed to that office.
The director of a higher education institution may be one of the founders of the higher education institution or a third party.
The Student Council
The Student Council shall consider and give its opinion to the competent authorities on all matters relating to the rights and duties of students and shall adopt and implement a programme of activities of interest to students in cooperation with the student community. If the opinion is not taken into account in the above matters, the Student Council may request the competent authority to reconsider and decide on the matter. In this case, the decision shall be adopted if 2/3 of all members of the competent body vote in favour. The Student Council shall have 5 members. The term of office of the members of the Student Council shall be one year. Elections shall normally be held in October or November.
Working bodies:
Habilitation Commission
Commission for Academic Meters
Self-Evaluation Commission
Offices and Library:
Students and Enrolment Office