Taking into account legal provisions, criteria and European standards, IBS:
continuously monitors the quality, competitiveness and efficiency of its activities, which include educational, scientific research and professional work;
plan periodic self-evaluations;
collect and analyse data on student learning outcomes and on the overall educational and other related activities;
identify shortcomings in the implementation of its activities and deviations from planned activities and achievements;
involve all staff, students and other relevant stakeholders in assessing the quality of its activities.
Self-Evaluation Commission
Monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the work of IBS is carried out by the Self-Evaluation Commission.
The tasks and responsibilities of the Self-Evaluation Board are:
considers annual reports on the work of the College, including a report on scientific research and a report on the effectiveness of studies,
considers the proposal of indicators and standards and procedures for monitoring performance by major areas of activity,
contributes to the preparation of the Annual Quality Report,
contributes to the development of the concept and procedures for evaluation and self-evaluation,
reviews evaluation reports and formulates proposals for improvement
discusses the proposal for an action plan for improvement by activity area, informs the Senate of the results and proposes appropriate solutions on the basis of the findings.